Dog Classes and Training


Canine Good Citizen

Judge and evaluator

In April of 2021 I completed my training through AKC to become a Canine good Citizen Evaluator and judge.  The Canine good citizen classes are focused on basic good maners and works with owners to train your companions to be comfortable in common life situations.  Socializing a dog and getting them comfortable with senarios that are likely to happen in there life before it happens is a great life skill and it's always better to identify potential problems and slowly work toward overcoming them than just jumping in and hoping for the best.  I am also able to judge your dog and award him a CGC title if he is able to complete the 10 part test.  Some of the requirements of the test include a stranger touching your dogs feet and ears which is a fantastic skill for your dog to have for the groomer or veternaian.  You don't want your dog unsure of holding a strangers hand then have to have toe nails cut or a Dr. examine a wound.  That is a reciepe for a phobia or a poteintal bite, either of which is horrible and best prevented.  Also, behaving nicely around other dogs...not barking or jumping...and allowing a stranger to take control of there lead while you step away.  Both of these skills, as well as the other 8 are very much real life skills that you should strive to have your dog learn.  

Students who successfully pass their final exam and graduate from my classes can earn awards. 

The first is for my trick dog classes, the second is for my Star Puppy classes, and the third is for the Canine Good Citizen Classes.  

These classes are open to AKC and non-Akc dogs however you must have an AKC number for me to file the title through AKC, you can still get your ribbons without me filing.  


Temperment Test

October 2019

I have compeleted the course throuh the AKC canine College and am a judge for temperment testing.  This is a great program that judges your dog on how they react to 6 different stimuli.  These include Social, Auditory, Visual, Tactical, motion and unexpected.  This program is great for proving that your dog is not reactionary.  This test does require two different judges and is best completed at shows or big events.  I would be happy to talk with anyone interested in getting a temperment test done on there dog, however it is hard to get testing venues.  


I have classes in the spring, summer and fall for puppy classes, Canine good citizen classes, and temperment support.  I also offer private lessons. 

Let me know if you are interested in more information about my classes.  I need at least 6 dogs to host.  Classes run 6 weeks and are hosted OUTSIDE.